michaela is a human-centered product leader & strategist

passionate about augmenting and evolving human capability with technology
  • scoping and reframing complex challenges

  • operationalizing user research practices

  • keeping systems organized and teams on track

  • designing applications with intuitive user experiences

  • driving strategy and planning processes

  • scouting emerging technologies and trends

  • rapidly prototyping to move closer to the right solution

  • engaging with diverse, cross-functional stakeholders

  • facilitating conversations to uncover insights


  • Imagine you’re using a computer in the 1980s, comfortable with the text-based Command Line Interface (CLI). You expect this is how you’ll interact with computers indefinitely. Then the Graphical User Interface (GUI) arrives, revolutionizing your interaction through visual symbols. Flash forward to now: We’re undergoing a similar shift, moving from GUIs to Natural User Interfaces (NUIs)—interfaces that mimic our natural way of interacting with the world. It’s an invisible, seamless, beautiful experience between human and computer. Already evident in touch screens and voice assistants, this is merely the beginning.

  • Here’s a starting revelation: we’re in the midst of an attention war. Between digital addiction, information glut, Twitter bots, and political divides, our informational landscape is deteriorating. While many companies prioritize profits through maximizing engagement and clicks, the question arises: how do we escape this loop? The answer lies with humane technology, which aims to align technology with humanity’s best interests. To win this war, we must steer technology towards a future that supports our emotional well-being, democracy, and shared informational space.

  • Imagine you’ve asked Alexa to blast music, and now you want it off. You’re shouting, “Alexa, stop!” but it can’t hear you or sense your frustration. This scenario highlights an opportunity for machines to evolve from impersonal interactions to more empathetic experiences. Emotion AI, also known as affective computing, aims to develop systems capable of recognizing, processing, and simulating human emotions, while keeping this data secure. By analyzing eye movements, vocal tone, and more, these systems can deliver more nuanced and empathetic interactions with us.



From trailblazing new ways to think about human-machine teaming, to running an experimental diversity & inclusion pilot to create better teams, the underlying thread of my work strives to help humans unlock their full potential.

Both personally and professionally, I love transforming a seed of an idea into concrete reality.
