about michaela

Michaela is a human-centered product strategist passionate about augmenting and evolving human capability with technology.

As of December 2022, she is on sabbatical from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL).

At APL, she is a supervisor in the Design Thinking Group and a design lead for the Tactical Advancements for the Next Generation (TANG) program. Both comprise multi-disciplinary teams of engineers, designers, and makers who apply human-centered design methodologies toward complex national security challenges.

As a supervisor, she guides the professional development of six human-centered design researchers and shapes the group’s evolution and strategy. As a design lead, she leads a diverse team focused on exploring the future fight for the Royal Canadian Navy.

A holder of three patents, she channels her love for entrepreneurship by advising early stage startups on design strategy and research needs. She has a Master’s in systems engineering from the Johns Hopkins University, attained while working full-time, and a Bachelor’s in computer science and digital media studies from the University of Rochester.

In her spare time, she loves reading, being active, and taking her fluffy dog Sudo on long walks in the city.